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Ergonomics journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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Accident Analysis & Prevention
impact factor: 1.964
Applied Ergonomics
impact factor: 1.728
impact factor: 1.674
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
impact factor: 1.415
Journal of Safety Research
impact factor: 1.379
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
impact factor: 1.208
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
impact factor: 1.182
Interacting with Computers
impact factor: 1.158
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction / International Journal of Human Computer Interaction
impact factor: 1.131
Behaviour and Information Technology
impact factor: 0.856
New Technology Work and Employment
impact factor: 0.706
Cognition Technology & Work / Cognition Technology and Work
impact factor: 0.659
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries
impact factor: 0.624
Universal Access in the Information Society
impact factor: 0.532
Int J Occup Saf Ergo
impact factor: 0.494
Le travail humain
impact factor: 0.469