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Mathematical Methods Social Sciences journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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Structural Equation Modeling A Multidisciplinary Journal
impact factor: 4.242
impact factor: 3.823
The Review of Economics and Statistics
impact factor: 2.346
Risk Analysis
impact factor: 2.278
impact factor: 2.205
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
impact factor: 1.932
Journal of Applied Econometrics
impact factor: 1.867
Sociological Methods & Research
impact factor: 1.844
Journal of Econometrics
impact factor: 1.710
Multivariate Behavioral Research
impact factor: 1.657
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
impact factor: 1.622
Econometric Theory
impact factor: 1.477
System Dynamics Review
impact factor: 1.444
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A (Statistics in Society)
impact factor: 1.361
Stata J
impact factor: 1.310
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
impact factor: 1.276
Finance and Stochastics
impact factor: 1.212
Insurance Mathematics and Economics
impact factor: 1.095
Applied Psychological Measurement
impact factor: 1.079
Journal of Productivity Analysis
impact factor: 1.068
Econometrics Journal
impact factor: 1.000
Mathematical Finance
impact factor: 1.000
Mathematical Population Studies
impact factor: 0.957
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
impact factor: 0.941
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
impact factor: 0.935
Methodology European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
impact factor: 0.935
Journal of Mathematical Sociology
impact factor: 0.875
Quantitative Finance
impact factor: 0.824
Econometric Reviews / Econometrics Reviews
impact factor: 0.811
Theory and Decision
impact factor: 0.762
Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences
impact factor: 0.731
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
impact factor: 0.707
Astin Bulletin
impact factor: 0.698
Empirical Economics
impact factor: 0.614
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics
impact factor: 0.593
International Journal of Game Theory
impact factor: 0.584
Surv Methodol
impact factor: 0.541
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
impact factor: 0.511
Social Choice and Welfare
impact factor: 0.485
Mathematical Social Sciences
impact factor: 0.452
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory / Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory
impact factor: 0.424
Jahrb Natl Stat
impact factor: 0.351
J Off Stat
impact factor: 0.343
Journal of Mathematical Economics
impact factor: 0.321