In vitro characterization of cell‐level neurophysiological diversity in the rostral nucleus reuniens of adult mice
Published online on April 25, 2017
Key points
The nucleus reuniens (Re), a nucleus of the midline thalamus, is part of a cognitive network including the hippocampus and the medial prefrontal cortex. To date, very few studies have examined the electrophysiological properties of Re neurons at a cellular level.
The majority of Re neurons exhibit spontaneous action potential firing at rest. This is independent of classical amino‐acid mediated synaptic transmission. When driven by various forms of depolarizing current stimulus, Re neurons display considerable diversity in their firing patterns. As a result of the presence of a low threshold Ca2+ channel, spike output functions are strongly modulated by the prestimulus membrane potential.
Finally, we describe a novel form of activity‐dependant intrinsic plasticity that eliminates the high‐frequency burst firing present in many Re neurons.
These results provide a comprehensive summary of the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of Re neurons allowing us to better consider the role of the Re in cognitive processes.
The nucleus reuniens (Re) is the largest of the midline thalamic nuclei. We have performed a detailed neurophysiological characterization of neurons in the rostral Re of brain slices prepared from adult male mice. At resting potential (−63.7 ± 0.6 mV), ∼90% of Re neurons fired action potentials, typically continuously at ∼8 Hz. Although Re neurons experience a significant spontaneous barrage of fast, amino‐acid‐mediate synaptic transmission, this was not predominantly responsible for spontaneous spiking because firing persisted in the presence of glutamate and GABA receptor antagonists. With resting potential preset to −80 mV, −20 pA current injections revealed a mean input resistance of 615 MΩ and a mean time constant of 38 ms. Following cessation of this stimulus, a significant rebound potential was seen that was sometimes sufficiently large to trigger a short burst of very high frequency (100–300 Hz) firing. In most cells, short (2 ms), strong (2 nA) current injections elicited a single spike followed by a large afterdepolarizing potential which, when suprathreshold, generated high‐frequency spiking. Similarly, in the majority of cells preset at −80 mV, 500 ms depolarizing current injections to cells led to a brief initial burst of very high‐frequency firing, although this was lost when cells were preset at −72 mV. Biophysical and pharmacological experiments indicate a prominent role for T‐type Ca2+ channels in the high‐frequency bursting of Re neurons. Finally, we describe a novel form of activity‐dependent intrinsic plasticity that persistently eliminates the burst firing potential of Re neurons.