The University of Crisis
American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Published online on March 31, 2021
["American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Volume 80, Issue 1, Page 23-51, January 2021. ", "\nAbstract\nThis article explores the history of the university as a modern social institution through the epistemological framework of crisis. Starting from the historical understanding that the university has always‐already been in the throes of crisis, and that such crisis (or crises) are cemented into the conceptual architecture of both the university itself and the inherently promiscuous nature of knowledge in society, this exploration of the university in crisis endeavors to show how crisis is as old as knowledge itself. Building on the insights of such social theorists and historians of the university as Samuel Weber, Bill Readings, Jean‐Francois Lyotard, and Gregg Lambert, my hope is to draw out from these writers the intellectual sustenance that is sorely needed (and largely lacking) in today’s discourse on the “university of crisis.”\n"]