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Analytical modeling of thrust force and torque in drilling

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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The prediction of thrust force and torque in drilling remains a key issue. There are three main ways to determine these forces based on experimental, numerical and finally analytical approaches. The major drawback with numerical and analytical methods concerns their reliability compared to phenomenological models. As a consequence, several studies use a resetting method in order to correct parameters of their analytical or numerical models so that they correspond to experimental results. The goal of this article is to introduce a new analytical model in drilling based on the discretization of the cutting edge. Local forces are estimated with a semiorthogonal analytical model based on a modified Merchant’s model. Parameters have been identified by a basic semiorthogonal cutting test for a large range of cutting speed and feed rates, by friction tests for a range of sliding velocities and by a variable shear angle model. The macroscopic feed force and torque are estimated by the sum of each local force along the cutting edge. Two drills applied in a large range of cutting conditions are investigated to validate this approach.