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A hybrid approach for multi-weapon production planning with large-dimensional multi-objective in defense manufacturing

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Multi-weapon production planning contains multi-objective combinatorial optimization and decision-making problems with the NP-hard and large-dimensional natures, which are difficult to be attacked by one single technique successfully. A four-stage hybrid approach is proposed to solve this problem. In the first stage, the multi-weapon production planning problem is formulated with 2N (N > 5) objectives based on operational capability requirements and expected downside risk measure. In the second stage, the formulation addressed is converted into a bi-objective optimization model using goal programming. In the third stage, an algorithm DENS based on differential evolution and nondominated sorting genetic algorithm–II is developed to obtain the Pareto set. Finally, the multiple attribute decision-making method technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution is employed to acquire the compromise solution from the Pareto set. A case study is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The concrete advantages of goal programming, DENS, and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution are also validated in this case. This approach can support the weapon production planning in defense manufacturing and is also applicable to solve the multi-level and multi-objective problem in other manufacturing fields.