Child and parent engagement in the mental health intervention process: a motivational framework
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Published online on December 14, 2012
This article proposes a conceptual model of child and parent engagement in the mental health intervention process.
A scoping review was performed of articles on predictors of engagement in mental health interventions, the effectiveness of engagement interventions, and interpersonal aspects of care. A comprehensive search of PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES was performed for literature published in English from 2000 to 2012.
Based on the review, a motivational framework is proposed in which engagement is defined as a state comprised of a hopeful stance, conviction, and confidence, brought about when therapists optimize engagement processes of receptiveness, willingness, and self‐efficacy.
Implications concern the need to help clients understand what to expect from the therapy process, and to educate therapists about engagement strategies.