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Message Framing, It Does a Body Good: Effects of Message Framing and Motivational Orientation on Young Women's Calcium Consumption


Journal of Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary, International Journal

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We investigated the effects of gain-framed versus loss-framed messages and motivational orientation on calcium consumption. After completing a motivational orientation scale (behavioral inhibition system/behavioral activation system), undergraduate women (N = 141) were randomly assigned to read a gain-framed or loss-framed pamphlet promoting calcium consumption. Calcium consumption was assessed 1 month later. For calcium supplement behavior, a gain-framed advantage was observed for behavioral activation system–oriented individuals, whereas a loss-framed advantage was observed for behavioral inhibition system–oriented individuals. For dietary calcium intake, a gain-framed advantage was observed among behavioral activation system–oriented individuals; however, no framing effect emerged for behavioral inhibition system–oriented individuals. The success of framed messages depends on the message recipient’s motivational orientation.