Complex Trauma Exposure and Symptoms in Urban Traumatized Children: A Preliminary Test of Proposed Criteria for Developmental Trauma Disorder
Published online on July 25, 2013
Recently, a new diagnostic construct, developmental trauma disorder (DTD), was proposed to describe the effects of chronic exposure to violence in combination with disruptions in caregiving systems. This study uses archival data to field test the consensus proposed diagnostic criteria for DTD in a sample of urban children (N = 214). Children with complex trauma histories as defined in the proposed DTD Criterion A were much more likely to meet the proposed DTD symptom criteria than children who did not meet the exposure criterion. This field trial of the proposed DTD criteria suggests that the proposed construct of DTD is useful for describing the symptoms induced by ongoing traumatic stressors and disrupted caregiving and that the proposed symptom criteria can differentiate children with histories of exposure to developmental trauma from other trauma‐exposed children.
撮要:發育期創傷症(DTD)是一個新增診斷,用來形容長期暴力經歷及照顧系統擾亂的影響。本文使用市區兒童(N = 214)的檔案數據實地測試DTD的共識建議診斷準則。如DTD建議診斷準則A所言,有複雜創傷經歷兒童比其他沒有此等經歷兒童更吻合建議DTD症狀準則。本實地測試顯示:建議中發育期創傷症的診斷能有效地形容持續創傷壓力及照顧受擾引發的症狀,而且症狀準則能區別兒童有發育期創傷經歷或曾受創傷。
撮要:发育期创伤症(DTD)是一个新增诊断,用来形容长期暴力经历及照顾系统扰乱的影响。本文使用市区儿童(N = 214)的档案数据实地测试DTD的共识建议诊断准则。如DTD建议诊断准则A所言,有复杂创伤经历儿童比其他没有此等经历儿童更吻合建议DTD症状准则。本实地测试显示:建议中发育期创伤症的诊断能有效地形容持续创伤压力及照顾受扰引发的症状,而且症状准则能区别儿童有发育期创伤经历或曾受创伤。