Mental Disorders Associated With Subpopulations of Women Affected by Violence and Abuse
Published online on June 28, 2013
Violence against women is a major public health problem associated with mental disorders. Few studies have examined the heterogeneity of interpersonal violence and abuse (IVA) among women and associated mental health problems. Latent class analysis was used to identify subpopulations of women with similar lifetime histories of IVA victimization and to examine 10 associated past‐year mental disorders. Participants were 19,816 adult women who participated in Wave 2 of the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). The 3‐class model was best supported by the data. Class 1 (6.7%) had a high probability of witnessing domestic violence as a child. Class 2 (21.8%) had a low probability of all events except lifetime sexual assault. Class 3 (71.5%) had a low probability for all events. Mental disorders were more common among members of Classes 1 and 2 than Class 3. For example, members in Class 1 were approximately 8 and 9 times more likely than members in Class 3 to have had posttraumatic stress disorder or a drug use disorder, respectively, during the past year. Of the 10 mental disorders, 5 were more common among members of Class 1 than of Class 2. Findings suggest the mental health consequences of IVA among women are extensive and interventions should be tailored for distinct subpopulations affected by IVA.
撮要:婦女被施暴是重要公共衛生課題,也帶來精神問題。研究少有探討女性人際暴力和侵犯(IVA)的不同種類和相關精神問題。使用潛伏組分析,我們分辨有相似IVA受害終身歷史的婦女羣組,和檢查過去一年10種相關精神病。樣本是19,816名成年婦女,她們都是參加第二階段的全國酒精及相關情況的流行病學研究(NESARC)。數據支持三等級模型。第一等級(6.7%)有高機會率在兒時目睹家庭暴力。第二等級(21.8%) 除了終身性侵犯外,對其他暴力事件有低機會率。而第三等級(71.5%)則對所有暴力事件有低機會率。第一和第二等級比第三等級有更多精神病出現。例如在過去一年間,第一等級人士比第三等級分別多八倍機會有創傷後壓力症,和多九倍機會有藥物濫用。在10種精神病中,第一等級人士比第二等級較多有其中5種病。本研究顯示女士在IVA後出現廣泛精神問題,而介入治療必須依從IVA影響群組來度身安排。
撮要:妇女被施暴是重要公共卫生课题,也带来精神问题。研究少有探讨女性人际暴力和侵犯(IVA)的不同种类和相关精神问题。使用潜伏组分析,我们分辨有相似IVA受害终身历史的妇女羣组,和检查过去一年10种相关精神病。样本是19,816名成年妇女,她们都是参加第二阶段的全国酒精及相关情况的流行病学研究(NESARC)。数据支持三等级模型。第一等级(6.7%)有高机会率在儿时目睹家庭暴力。第二等级(21.8%) 除了终身性侵犯外,对其他暴力事件有低机会率。而第三等级(71.5%)则对所有暴力事件有低机会率。第一和第二等级比第三等级有更多精神病出现。例如在过去一年间,第一等级人士比第三等级分别多八倍机会有创伤后压力症,和多九倍机会有药物滥用。在10种精神病中,第一等级人士比第二等级较多有其中5种病。本研究显示女士在IVA后出现广泛精神问题,而介入治疗必须依从IVA影响群组来度身安排。