Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Clusters, Alcohol Misuse, and Women's Use of Intimate Partner Violence
Published online on July 18, 2013
Exploring how PTSD and alcohol misuse relate to women's use of intimate partner violence (IPV) is vital to develop our understanding of why some women may engage in IPV, which can serve to maximize intervention efforts for women. This study examined the extent to which posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom clusters are directly and indirectly related to women's use of IPV through pathways involving alcohol misuse while controlling for severity of women's IPV victimization. The sample was comprised of substance‐using, low socioeconomic status community women (N = 143) currently experiencing IPV victimization. The majority of the sample was African American (n = 115, 80.42%). This sample had an average annual household income of $14,368.68 (SD = $12,800.68) and the equivalent of a high school education (11.94 years, SD = 1.32). Path analyses indicated that the strongest statistical relationship emerged between women's use of IPV and women's IPV victimization. PTSD reexperiencing and numbing symptom severity was related to women's use of psychological, minor physical, and severe physical IPV; however, these relationships were indirect through alcohol misuse. Findings lend preliminary support for the application of the self‐medication hypothesis to the study of PTSD, alcohol misuse, and IPV among women.
撮要:為了瞭解婦女被親密伴侶暴力對待(IPV)的情況,我們探討PTSD、酗酒與受親密伴侶暴力對待的婦女之間的關係。這樣有助我們介入並協助她們。控制婦女IPV受害情況後,我們透過酗酒路徑,檢視創傷後壓力症(PTSD)症狀羣對婦女應用IPV的直接和非直接影響幅度。樣本是正面對IPV受害的社會經濟地位低和濫用物質的社區婦女(N = 143)。樣本中大多數為非裔美國人(n = 115, 80.42%),她們年均家庭收入為$14,368.68 (SD = $12,800.68) 而且擁有中學教育程度(11.94年, SD = 1.32)。路徑分析指出婦女應用IPV和婦女IPV受害情況之間出現最強統計學上關係。PTSD再經歷和麻木症狀幅度,與婦女使用心理的、輕度身體的和嚴重身體的IPV有關連,但這種關係是間接地經由酒精濫用。結果初步証實「自我用藥」假設可用作研究婦女PTSD,酒精濫用及IPV之間的關係。
撮要:为了了解妇女被亲密伴侣暴力对待(IPV)的情况,我们探讨PTSD、酗酒与受亲密伴侣暴力对待的妇女之间的关系。这样有助我们介入并协助她们。控制妇女IPV受害情况后,我们透过酗酒路径,检视创伤后压力症(PTSD)症状羣对妇女应用IPV的直接和非直接影响幅度。样本是正面对IPV受害的社会经济地位低和滥用物质的小区妇女(N = 143)。样本中大多数为非裔美国人(n = 115, 80.42%),她们年均家庭收入为$14,368.68 (SD = $12,800.68) 而且拥有中学教育程度(11.94年, SD = 1.32)。路径分析指出妇女应用IPV和妇女IPV受害情况之间出现最强统计学上关系。PTSD再经历和麻木症状幅度,与妇女使用心理的、轻度身体的和严重身体的IPV有关连,但这种关系是间接地经由酒精滥用。结果初步证实「自我用药」假设可用作研究妇女PTSD,酒精滥用及IPV之间的关系。