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The Role of Parenting Stress in Young Children's Mental Health Functioning After Exposure to Family Violence

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Journal of Traumatic Stress

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This study evaluates the associations of young children's exposure to family violence events, parenting stress, and children's mental health functioning. Caregivers provided data for 188 children ages 3 to 5 years attending Head Start programming. Caregivers reported 75% of children had experienced at least 1 type of trauma event, and 27% of children had experienced a family violence event. Child mental health functioning was significantly associated with family violence exposure after controlling for children's age, gender, household income, and other trauma exposure (β = .14, p = .033). Stress in the parenting role partially mediated the relationship between family violence exposure and young children's mental health functioning (β = .12, p = .015, 95% confidence interval [0.02, 0.21]). Interventions for young children exposed to family violence should address the needs of the child, as well as the caregiver while also building healthy parent–child relationships to facilitate positive outcomes in children faced with trauma. 標題 : 經歷家庭暴力後幼兒精神健康功能中撫育壓力的角色 撮要 : 本文評核幼兒的家庭暴力經歷、撫育壓力、及精神健康功能之間的關係。樣本為188名參與頭腦開發計劃的3至5歲兒童,照顧者則提供研究資料。當中75%兒童有最少一種創傷經歷,而27%則有一次家庭暴力事件。在控制兒童年紀、性別、家庭收入和其他創傷經歷等變量後,兒童精神健康功能與家庭暴力經歷有著統計上有效的關連(β=.14,p=.033)。撫育角色的壓力局部地協調家庭暴力經歷和幼兒精神健康功能之間的關係(β=.12,p=.015,95%CI[0.02,0.21])。經歷家庭暴力的幼兒的介入服務必須重視兒童和照顧者的需要, 而建構健康的親子關係亦有助面對創傷的兒童復原。 标题 : 经历家庭暴力后幼儿精神健康功能中抚育压力的角色 撮要 : 本文评估幼儿的家庭暴力经历、抚育压力、及精神健康功能之间的关系。样本为188名参与头脑开发计划的3至5岁儿童,照顾者则提供研究资料。当中75%儿童有最少一种创伤经历,而27%则有一次家庭暴力事件。在控制儿童年纪、性别、家庭收入和其他创伤经历等变量后,儿童精神健康功能与家庭暴力经历有着统计上有效的关连(β=.14,p=.033)。抚育角色的压力局部地协调家庭暴力经历和幼儿精神健康功能之间的关系(β=.12,p=.015,95%CI[0.02,0.21])。经历家庭暴力的幼儿的介入服务必须重视儿童和照顾者的需要, 而建构健康的亲子关系亦有助面对创伤的儿童复原。