Effects of low cell pH and elevated inorganic phosphate on the pCa-force relationship in single muscle fibers at near-physiological temperatures
Published online on January 22, 2014
Intense muscle contraction induces high rates of ATP hydrolysis with resulting increases in inorganic phosphate (Pi), H+ and ADP, factors thought to induce fatigue by interfering with steps in the cross-bridge cycle. Force inhibition is less at physiological temperatures; thus the role of low pH in fatigue has been questioned. Therefore, effects of pH 6.2 and collective effects with 30 mM Pi on the pCa-force relationship were assessed in skinned fast and slow rat skeletal muscle fibers at 15 and 30°C. At 30°C, the pH 6.2 and 30 mM Pi condition significantly depressed peak force in all fiber types with the greatest effect in type IIx fibers. Across fiber types, Ca2+ sensitivity was depressed by low pH and low pH plus high Pi, with the greater effect at 30°C. For type IIx fibers at 30°C, the pCa50 was 5.36 at pH 6.2 (no added Pi) and 4.98 at pH 6.2, 30 mM Pi, compared to 6.58 for control (pH 7, no added Pi). At 30°C, n2, reflective of thick filament cooperativity, was unchanged by low cell pH but was depressed from 5.02 to 2.46 in type IIx fibers with pH 6.2, 30 mM Pi. With acidosis, activation thresholds of all fiber types required higher free Ca2+ at both 15 and 30°C. With the exception of type IIx fibers, the Ca2+ required to reach activation threshold increased further with added Pi. In conclusion, it is clear that fatigue-inducing effects of low cell pH and elevated Pi at near-physiological temperatures are substantial.