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Inhibitory Signaling by CB1 Receptors in Smooth Muscle Mediated by GRK5/beta-Arrestin Activation of ERK1/2 and Src

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AJP Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology

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We examined whether CB1 receptors in smooth muscle conform to the signaling pattern observed with other Gi-coupled receptors that stimulate contraction via two Gβ-dependent pathways (PLC-β3 and PI 3-kinase/integrin-linked kinase). Here we show that the anticipated Gβ-dependent signaling was abrogated. Except for inhibition of adenylyl cyclase via Gαi, signaling resulted from Gβ-independent phosphorylation of CB1 receptors by GRK5, recruitment of β-arrestin1/2, and activation of ERK1/2 and Src kinase. Neither uncoupling of CB1 receptors from Gi by PTx or Gi minigene, nor expression of a Gβ-scavenging peptide had any effect on ERK1/2 activity. The latter was abolished in muscle cells expressing β-arrestin1/2 siRNA. CB1 receptor internalization and both ERK1/2 and Src kinase activities were abolished in cells expressing kinase-deficient GRK5(K215R). Activation of ERK1/2 and Src kinase endowed CB1 receptors with the ability to inhibit concurrent contractile activity. We identified a consensus sequence (102KSPSKLSP109) for phosphorylation of RGS4 by ERK1/2 and showed that expression of a RGS4 mutant lacking Ser103/Ser108 blocked the ability of anandamide to inhibit acetylcholine-mediated PI hydrolysis or enhance Gαq:RGS4 association and inactivation of Gαq. Activation of Src kinase by anandamide enhanced both M-RIP:RhoA and M-RIP:MYPT1 association and inhibited Rho kinase activity leading to increase of MLC phosphatase activity and inhibition of sustained muscle contraction. Thus, unlike other Gi-coupled receptors in smooth muscle, CB1 receptors did not engage Gβ but signaled via GRK5/beta-arrestin activation of ERK1/2 and Src kinase: ERK1/2 accelerated inactivation of Gαq by RGS4, and Src kinase enhanced MLC phosphatase activity leading to inhibition of ACh-stimulated contraction.