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Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Breast Cancer Patients: Temporal Evolution, Predictors, and Mediation

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Journal of Traumatic Stress

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This study (N = 102 women) evaluated the time course of posttraumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) at different stages of nonmetastastic cancer diagnosis and treatment: during treatment, at the end of treatment, and at a 6–12 months follow‐up. We also assessed the contribution of demographic, trait, and state predictors to PTSS, and coping processes as proximal mediators of the relation between Type C personality and PTSS. Results indicated that PTSS remained constant across all phases. There were significant correlations (range = .28 to .81) between PTSS and psychosocial variables and age, but not with other sociodemographic or medical factors. A linear growth curve model showed that hopelessness/helplessness (B = 1.45) and Type C personality (B = 1.40) were the best predictors of PTSD symptomatology, followed by trait dissociation (B = 0.55), and the coping strategies of anxious preoccupation (B = 1.20), cognitive avoidance (B = 0.91), and symptoms of acute stress disorder (B = 0.19). A mediation model showed that the coping strategies of anxious preoccupation, cognitive avoidance, and helplessness/hopelessness mediated the relationship between Type C personality and PTSS during treatment, posttreatment, and follow‐up. These results clarify the contribution of different predictors of PTSS and can help develop prevention programs. 標題:乳癌病人的創傷後壓力症狀:時空演進,預測因素和調解 撮要:本文 (N=102名女性) 評估在非轉移癌症的不同診斷和治療階段中創傷後壓力症狀學 (PTSS )的時間進程:包括在治療中、治療末和6到12月後覆診期。我們也評核人口統計學、素質和狀態的預測因素對PTSS的影響,和評定應對過程在C類性格與PTSS之間如何近端調節。結果顯示PTSS在所有階段保持穩定。PTSS和心理社會變量及年紀呈顯著關連 (值域 .28至 .81),但與其他社會人口統計或醫學因素則未有此等關連。綫性生長曲綫模型可見無望/無助 (β=1.45) 和C類性格 (β=1.40) 是最佳預測PTSD症狀學的因素,其次為解離素質 (β=0.55),與焦慮關注 (β=1.20) 和認知迴避 (β=0.91) 應對策略,及急性應激障礙症狀 (β=0.19)。調節模型顯示焦慮關注、認知迴避和無望/無助等應對策略有助調整C類性格和PTSS的關係 (包括治療中、後和覆診時)。結果閳明不同PTSS的預測因素的貢獻,和有助發展預防方案。 标题:乳癌病人的创伤后压力症状:时空演进,预测因素和调解 撮要:本文 (N=102名女性) 评估在非转移癌症的不同诊断和治疗阶段中创伤后压力症状学 (PTSS )的时间进程:包括在治疗中、治疗末和6到12月后覆诊期。我们也评核人口统计学、素质和状态的预测因素对PTSS的影响,和评定应对过程在C类性格与PTSS之间如何近端调节。结果显示PTSS在所有阶段保持稳定。PTSS和心理社会变量及年纪呈显著关连 (值域 .28至 .81),但与其他社会人口统计或医学因素则未有此等关连。线性生长曲线模型可见无望/无助 (β=1.45) 和C类性格 (β=1.40) 是最佳预测PTSD症状学的因素,其次为解离素质 (β=0.55),与焦虑关注 (β=1.20) 和认知回避 (β=0.91) 应对策略,及急性应激障碍症状 (β=0.19)。调节模型显示焦虑关注、认知回避和无望/无助等应对策略有助调整C类性格和PTSS的关系 (包括治疗中、后和覆诊时)。结果閳明不同PTSS的预测因素的贡献,和有助发展预防方案。