PTSD Symptoms and Pain in Canadian Military Veterans: The Mediating Roles of Anxiety, Depression, and Alcohol Use
Published online on March 17, 2014
Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and pain are often comorbid among veterans. The purpose of this study was to investigate to what extent symptoms of anxiety, depression, and alcohol use mediated the relationship between PTSD symptoms and pain among 113 treated male Canadian veterans. Measures of PTSD, pain, anxiety symptoms, depression symptoms, and alcohol use were collected as part of the initial assessment. The bootstrapped resampling analyses were consistent with the hypothesis of mediation for anxiety and depression, but not alcohol use. The confidence intervals did not include zero and the indirect effect of PTSD on pain through anxiety was .04, CI [.03, .07]. The indirect effect of PTSD on pain through depression was .04, CI [.02, .07]. These findings suggest that PTSD and pain symptoms among veterans may be related through the underlying symptoms of anxiety and depression, thus emphasizing the importance of targeting anxiety and depression symptoms when treating comorbid PTSD and pain patients.
撮要:退役軍人多有經歷創傷後壓力症 (PTSD) 症狀與痛症共同發生。本研究旨在調查在113名接受治療的加拿大退役軍人中PTSD症狀和痛症之間的關係有多大程度是由焦慮、抑鬱和酗酒等症狀所調節。我們首先評估PTSD、痛症、焦慮症狀、抑鬱症狀和酗酒的情況。引導樣本重採分析與焦慮及抑鬱調節假設一致,但酗酒卻未能調節。置信區間未包含「零」,而PTSD透過焦慮而間接影響痛症為 .04, CI=﹝.03, .07﹞。但PTSD透過抑鬱而間接影響痛症則是 .04, CI=﹝.02, .07﹞。結果顯示退役軍人中PTSD和痛症症狀可能經由焦慮和抑鬱相關症狀而關連,所以在治療PTSD共病痛症病人時,我們須注重焦慮和抑鬱症狀的治療。
撮要:退役军人多有经历创伤后压力症 (PTSD) 症状与痛症共同发生。本研究旨在调查在113名接受治疗的加拿大退役军人中PTSD症状和痛症之间的关系有多大程度是由焦虑、忧郁和酗酒等症状所调节。我们首先评估PTSD、痛症、焦虑症状、忧郁症状和酗酒的情况。引导样本重采分析与焦虑及忧郁调节假设一致,但酗酒却未能调节。置信区间未包含「零」,而PTSD透过焦虑而间接影响痛症为 .04, CI=﹝.03, .07﹞。但PTSD透过忧郁而间接影响痛症则是 .04, CI=﹝.02, .07﹞。结果显示退役军人中PTSD和痛症症状可能经由焦虑和忧郁相关症状而关连,所以在治疗PTSD共病痛症病人时,我们须注重焦虑和忧郁症状的治疗。