A Step-by-Step Teaching Technique for Teachers With Adult Students of Mathematics
Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory
Published online on May 28, 2013
Step-by-step teaching is a researcher-designed innovative process that takes the adult learner, step-by-step, from his present level of understanding to the required level. The technique is based on well-researched and accepted pedagogical practices set in their psychological, sociological, and andragogical perspectives. Using a convenience sample of 35 students and a pretest, posttest, control group quasi-experimental design with semistructured interviews and unobtrusive observation, the experimental group outperformed their untrained counterparts. They reported gains in their understanding of fundamental concepts that hitherto had presented them challenges for several years. There was an overall positive change in mathematical achievement, attitudes, beliefs, and self-confidence toward mathematics learning. This research could be a catalyst for more work in this understudied area.