Correlation Between Oral Health and Child-OIDP Index in 12- and 15-Year-Old Children From Modinagar, India
Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health
Published online on November 27, 2013
Aim. To investigate the relationship between oral health measures and oral health–related quality of life using the Child-Oral Impact on Daily Performance index among school children of Modinagar. Design. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on 900 school children aged 12 and 15 years in Modinagar, India. Children were interviewed about sociodental impacts on quality of life and examined for their normative treatment need for dental caries, traumatic dental injuries, and dentofacial anomalies. Frequency distributions for bivariate analysis and logistic regression for multivariate analysis were used for statistical analysis. Results. Prevalence of oral impacts was high (60%), with a mean score of 2.49 ± 3.92. A significant association (P ≤ .05) was observed in oral impacts on daily performances with age, presence of dental caries, traumatic injuries, and dentofacial anomalies score. Conclusion. A strong association between clinical dental indicators and oral impacts in children showed eating followed by cleaning of teeth and smiling as the most commonly affected daily performances.