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Analysis of the influence of machining fixture layout on the workpiece's dimensional accuracy using genetic algorithm

, , ,

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Fixture error is one of the error sources in machining operations. Locator position inaccuracy and locator height error are the main sources of fixture error. The optimal positions of the locators are a critical problem for minimizing the geometrical and dimensional error of workpiece. This article proposes a genetic algorithm–based optimization method to arrive at a layout of locators for minimum machining error in 3-2-1 locating approach. The focus of this optimization is the positional tolerance of holes. So, a mathematical model of the hole position tolerance with respect to variation of locator position is developed. The planes of the workpiece actual coordinate system are mathematically modeled on the workpiece theoretical coordinate system. The capability of the proposed approach has been shown by using an example. The result shows that the proposed genetic algorithm method can be used to calculate locating errors and find the optimal locating layout within the specified tolerance range, which is critical for fixture design in hole-making process.