American Geriatrics Society Identifies Another Five Things That Healthcare Providers and Patients Should Question
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Published online on February 27, 2014
Since 2012, the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) has also been collaborating with the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation, joining its “Choosing Wisely” campaign on two separate lists of Five Things Healthcare Providers and Patients Should Question. The campaign is designed to engage healthcare organizations and professionals, individuals, and family caregivers in discussions about the safety and appropriateness of medical tests, medications, and procedures. Participating healthcare providers are asked to identify five things—tests, medications, or procedures—that appear to harm rather than help. Providers then share this information in a published article about these things on the ABIM campaign's website ( The first AGS list was published in February 2013.