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Flow behaviour and rheological properties of M2 high-speed steel in semi-solid state


Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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In this research, the rheological properties and flow behaviour of M2 high-speed steel have been investigated in low and high solid fractions by compression and rheometry tests. First series of experiments were started by partial remelting of rolled-annealed M2 billet in an argon-controlled atmosphere and holding for an appropriate time to obtain a globular microstructure and then conducting the rapid compression test on the prepared sample. Load versus deformation data were recorded using a high-frequency data acquisition system during the tests. Deformation mechanism of the semi-solid steel alloy and its correlation to rheological properties were then investigated. In the second series of experiments, the material was sheared continuously while cooling down from liquidus state to a semi-solid temperature. The rheology tests were performed using a self-developed concentric cylindrical viscometer under different cooling rates (25 °C/min–35 °C/min) and shear rates. The results revealed that when solid fraction exceeds about 40%, the viscosity increases suddenly and reaches a viscosity of about 20 Pa s. This solid fraction is a critical point when designing the process for industrial applications such as thixocasting.