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Erratum to: Introduction

Crime, Law and Social Change

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Erratum to: Crime Law Soc Change (2014)

DOI 10.1007/s10611-013-9471-9

Unfortunately the original version of this Introduction article was finalised prior to some of the articles it refers to. Since the publication of this article, the titles of the papers included in this special issue have changed. The correct titles are given below:

Protesters as terrorists?

Radicalisation and de-radicalisation of social movements: The comeback of political Islam?

The prognosis of terrorist attacks—limits of scientific findings

Combating the terrorism of ETA with the penal model

From control orders to TPIMs: variations on a number of themes in British legal responses to terrorism

Preventive detention as a counter-terrorism instrument in Germany

Torture and the fight against terrorism

The European Union as a counter–terrorism actor: right path, wrong direction?