Exploring the role of ethnicity on perceptions of cancer and physical health recovery during the first year of survivorship
Journal of Health Psychology: An Interdisciplinary, International Journal
Published online on October 07, 2014
This study examined the role of ethnicity (Black vs White) in the extent to which patients’ appraisal of the impact of cancer on themselves and their family members relates to their physical health. Colorectal cancer patients provided self-reports for study variables at 2 and 12 months post-diagnosis (N = 60). Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that African American patients’ perception of the cancer as disruptive to their family, but not to themselves, related to poorer health recovery, which association was absent among Whites (p < .02). Findings suggest that cancer-related family stress plays a different role between two ethnic groups in elucidating their health recovery during the early survivorship.