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Using classification techniques to recognize patterns of resource utilization in organizations


Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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In the current global economy, organizations encounter problems related to resource constraints, and thus, systematic approaches for better resource utilization are a necessity. These systematic approaches investigate different resources in the organizations and attempt to specify which resources have higher importance for each business process and to what extent heterogeneous resources are utilized efficiently in the related business processes. This study presents an approach used to detect and analyze patterns of resource utilization. In this approach, the business processes and the related resources were initially identified and classified. Next, a questionnaire was designed to gather the required data for the importance and efficiency indicators. Afterward, classification methods were applied to determine which resource utilization opportunities (which specifications) correspond to different efficiency indicators and levels of importance. The results of the study reveal interesting patterns that can aid managers in obtaining deep insight into resource utilization in business processes. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the proposed approach, the approach is applied to a case study of an automotive supplier.