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Understanding customer requirements through quantitative analysis of an improved fuzzy Kano's model

, , , ,

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Customer requirement analysis has become a primary concern for companies who compete in the global market. Kano’s model, as a customer-driven tool, has been widely used for customer requirement analysis in product improvement. Although a number of authors have improved the traditional Kano’s model, there has been a limitation of dealing with the fuzzy and uncertainty of human thought under multi-granularity linguistic environment. Furthermore, the traditional Kano’s model faces problems regarding quantitative data computation and customer requirements importance assessment. In this article, an improved fuzzy Kano’s model is proposed to analyze customer requirements under uncertain environment. A 2-tuple linguistic fuzzy Kano’s questionnaire is developed to model the uncertainty and diversity of customers’ assessments using 2-tuple linguistic variables under multi-granularity linguistic environment. Then, a comprehensive and systematic methodology is presented to prioritize customer requirements through quantitative analysis of improved fuzzy Kano’s model. This method integrates subjective judgments assigned by decision maker, objective weights based on maximizing deviation method and customer satisfaction contribution to determine the priority ratings of customer requirements. A case study of combine harvester development is presented to evaluate the proposed model.