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A new discrete double-population firefly algorithm for assembly sequence planning

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Assembly sequence planning is a critical step of assembly planning in product digital manufacturing. It is a combinational optimization problem with strong constraints. Many studies devoted to propose intelligent algorithms for efficiently finding a good assembly sequence to reduce the manufacturing time and cost. Considering the unfavorable effects of penalty function in the traditional algorithms, a new discrete firefly algorithm is proposed based on a double-population search mechanism for the assembly sequence planning problem. The mechanism can guarantee the population diversity and enhance the local and global search capabilities by using the parallel evolution of feasible and infeasible solutions. All parts composed of the assembly are assigned as the firefly positions, and the corresponding movement direction and distance of each firefly are defined using vector operations. Three common objectives, including assembly stability, assembly polymerization and change number of assembly direction, are taken into account in the fitness function. The proposed approach is successfully applied in a real-world assembly sequence planning case. The sizes of feasible and infeasible populations are adequately discussed and compared, of which the optimal size combination is used for initializing the firefly algorithm. The application results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the discrete double-population firefly algorithm for solving assembly sequence planning problem.