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Optimal control of thrust force for delamination-free drilling in glass-fiber-reinforced plastic laminates

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Damage due to delamination is an important issue during drilling in glass-fiber-reinforced plastic composite laminates. Feed-rate during drilling is the most critical parameter. High feed-rate during drilling results in high thrust force on the composite laminate. In this work, dynamics of drilling in glass-fiber-reinforced plastic composite laminates are captured in the form of third-order state-space model between thrust force and feed-rate. Optimal control is then used to control the thrust force generated during drilling. Research has revealed that there is a critical limit on thrust force during drilling in composite laminate below which no delamination occurs. This critical thrust force profile is used in this work as reference in the optimal controller to ensure delamination-free drilling. Present controller precisely tracks the given critical thrust force reference profile and gives optimal feed-rate profile. The glass-fiber-reinforced plastic composite laminate is then drilled at this optimal feed-rate profile to obtain delamination-free holes. Delamination around the holes is quantified in the form of a delamination factor. Experimental results show that the control strategy is efficient and effective in preventing drilling-induced delamination in glass-fiber-reinforced plastic composite laminates.