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Fabrication and characterization of open cell porous regular interconnected metallic structure with solid core


Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Metallic parts having open cell porous regular interconnected metallic structure of predetermined unit cell are being fabricated using metal powder–based rapid prototyping machines. These machines are capital intensive. All porous structures including open cell porous regular interconnected metallic structure have less density, so they lack in strength problems as compared to the solid structure. The strength of open cell porous regular interconnected metallic structure can be enhanced by providing solid inner core. In this study, a cost-effective technique has been developed to fabricate open cell porous regular interconnected metallic structure with solid core using ceramic powder–based three-dimensional printing machine and pressureless sintering. In this work, two approaches of fabrication were developed. In the first approach, only spherical metal powder was used, while in the second approach, a solid metallic rod along with spherical metal powder was utilized. Interconnected porosity and sinter density of the fabricated specimens were measured using Archimedes’ principle. The characterization was done using microstructure analysis, energy dispersive analysis, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. Mechanical properties of developed structures were determined using tensile, compressive and impact tests.