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Decision support system enabled by depth imaging sensor data for intelligent automation of moving assemblies

, , ,

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Automation, driven by informatics, enables manufacturing companies to increase productivity and meet market demands for cost-effective and high-quality products. However, many manufacturing operations across industry verticals continue to be manual even today. One such example is the manual assembly of the final trim and wheels in an automotive production line where there is heavy reliance on human decision-making pertaining to when, where and how to install components on and inside a constantly moving vehicle body. The main aim of this work is to develop a rule-based decision support system that will enable an automation solution to make human-like decisions in moving assembly operations. The wheel loading operation is chosen as a case study and a decision support framework and tool is developed and successfully tested using multiple assembly scenarios generated from experimental data provided by gaming interface sensors installed on the laboratory-based shopfloor. The resulting decision support system has the potential to enable the automation of moving assembly operations in various sectors of the manufacturing industry.