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Using a WebMapping Platform to Engage Volunteers to Collect Data on Invasive Plants Distribution

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Transactions in GIS

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WebMapping and citizen science are increasing their importance as tools both in science communication and in gathering abundant data. Nevertheless, gathering good and plentiful data from citizens when the scientific theme is unknown to them is a demanding challenge. is a science communication endeavor that targets the general public and one of its core elements is a WebMapping platform that intends to engage volunteers to geolocate invasive plants in Portugal. Besides gathering data for scientific research and to support management, the platform raises awareness about invasive plants. The platform has been available since March 2013 and receives data from a smartphone application and a Web application. Validated sightings are shown on an online map. All data is available through a Google Fusion Table and GBIF database (open data logic). Several strategies (interactive contents, printed materials, workshops and social media) were used to overcome the challenges of engaging contributors and making them better skilled to contribute with good data. After two years of steady growth in members (ca. 600) and sightings (>5400) the results are better than expected particularly amongst a population not familiarized with either citizen science or invasive plants. The outcomes of the platform and the efficacy of each strategy are analyzed and the accuracy and usefulness of the data are discussed.