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Tool path optimal design for slow tool servo turning of complex optical surface

, , , ,

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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In order to increase the machining accuracy of slow tool servo turning of complex optical surface, the optimal design for tool path was studied. A comprehensive tool path generation strategy was proposed to optimize the tool path for machining complex surfaces. A new algorithm was designed for tool nose radius compensation which had less calculation error. Hermite segment interpolation was analyzed based on integrated multi-axes controller, and a new interpolation method referred to as triangle rotary method was put forward and was compared with the area method and three-point method. The machining simulation indicated that the triangle rotary method was significant in error reduction. The interpolation error of toric surface was reduced to 0.0015 µm from 0.06 µm and sinusoidal array surface’s interpolation error decreases to 0.37 µm from 1.5 µm. Finally, a toric surface was machined using optimum tool path generation method to evaluate the proposed tool path generation method.