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The Position of Museum and Gallery Educators in Spain: Some Paradoxes

International Journal of Art &amp Design Education

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This article presents some of the reflections articulated in the author's doctoral thesis: Saberes y aprendizajes en la construcción de la identidad y la subjetividad de una educadora de museos: El caso del proyecto Cartografiem‐nos en el museo Es Baluard. (Knowledge and learning in the construction of the identity and the subjectivity of a gallery educator: The case of ʻMapping ourselvesʼ at Es Baluard Museum), produced at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona (2012). The author deals with the question of the professional development of museum and gallery educators, exploring some of the paradoxes that operate in the discourses and practices that surround this collective. The second part of the article is dedicated to demonstrating the knowledge and learning implicated in the experiences of museum and gallery educators. Offering a view from the inside of the professional sphere will serve to counteract more official descriptions, in which museum and gallery education is usually understood as an artisan profession which requires little training or qualifications. Finally, this article poses questions regarding the research of educational practice within the field of museums and galleries.