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A critical energy model for brittle-ductile transition in grinding considering wheel speed and chip thickness effects

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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The ability to predict the critical depth for ductile-mode grinding of brittle materials is important to grinding process optimization and quality control. The traditional models for predicting the critical depth are mainly concerned with the material properties without considering the operation parameters. This article presents a new critical energy model for brittle–ductile transition by considering the strain rate effect brought by the grinding wheel speed and chip thickness. The experiments will be conducted through a high-speed diamond grinder on reaction-sintered silicon carbide materials under different grinding speed and chip thickness. Through detailed analysis of the strain rate effect on the dynamic fracture toughness, a new fracture toughness model will be established based on the Johnson–Holmquist material model (JH-2) and calibrated through experiments based on the indentation fracture mechanics. Then, the new critical model for brittle–ductile transition will be established by introducing the dynamic facture toughness model considering the wheel speed and chip thickness. According to scanning electron microscope observations, the results show that ductile-mode grinding can be obtained through a combination of higher grinding speed and smaller chip thickness. Moreover, the critical value for ductile grinding of brittle materials can be improved through the elevation of the grinding speed or reduction in the chip thickness.