Online professional development embedded with mobile learning: An examination of teachers' attitudes, engagement and dispositions
British Journal of Educational Technology
Published online on July 21, 2016
Educators are eager to understand how technology is being used in PK‐12 classrooms in the US. Administrators, in particular, are interested in determining the most effective methods for educating teachers to integrate newer technologies into their curriculums. Research supports that students learn best when the process is hands‐on, interactive and authentic. Teachers must learn not only how to use new technologies, but also how to deeply integrate them into their curriculum to meet the changing needs of their students. Would it not make sense then to assume that teachers also learn best when the process is hands‐on, interactive and authentic? While a great deal of instruction in technology appears to be included in district professional development programs, many lack assistance beyond the one‐shot, hands‐off professional development approach. Therefore, the purpose of this sequential explanatory mixed methods study was to understand teachers' dispositions toward the relative value of mobile learning and whether authentic, integrated, subject‐specific professional developments empower teachers to fully and effectively integrate mobile learning into their curriculum.