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Emancipation in Latin America: On the Pedagogical Turn

Bulletin of Latin American Research

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Latin American social movements are reinventing emancipatory politics, in which those invisibilised and excluded by capitalist‐coloniality are emerging as the emancipatory subjects of our times. Rather than a method of learning, pedagogy is understood as a radical educational project of subaltern transformation and politics. Emancipatory pedagogical praxis occurs in multiple spatialities and embraces multiple knowledges and subaltern subjects. These knowing‐subjects become creators of political agency, movement practices and imaginaries, and collective self‐liberation. I develop my analysis with reference to movement educators who I work with in the Brazilian Movimento sem Terra (MST, Landless Workers Movement) and Colombian Escuela Política de Mujeres Pazífica (Political School of Pacifist Women, Escuela).