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Implementing a Digital Reading and Writing Workshop Model for Content Literacy Instruction in an Urban Elementary (K–8) School

The Reading Teacher

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This article describes how one urban elementary school's professional development workshop on technology helped teachers grow in their knowledge and practice of a digital reading and writing workshop model. Created in partnership with university faculty, school administration, and elementary teachers, this whole‐school professional development initiative enabled urban elementary school teachers to learn how to translate the workshop model to technology‐enhanced teaching practice. Significant elements of the professional development workshop included an opening, a minilesson, small‐group and independent work, conferring, sharing, and debriefing. Data sources included a preworkshop needs assessment survey, postworkshop evaluation surveys, and observational field notes. In describing the components for the professional development workshop and particular learning outcomes for the teachers, this article sheds some light on what is possible in supporting schoolwide technology‐enhanced teacher professional learning.