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Laser annealing of laser additive-manufactured Ni-Ti structures: An experimental-numerical investigation

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Tailored structures of Ni-Ti shape memory alloys for micro-electro-mechanical systems can be fabricated using laser additive manufacturing, and requisite homogeneous microstructure for predictive design and fabrication of micro-electro-mechanical systems devices can be achieved by annealing. Investigation has been performed on the laser annealing of laser additive–manufactured Ni-Ti structures using a pulsed green laser through numerical simulation and experimental studies. The parametric dependence showed that a laser energy density of 1100 mJ cm–2 has a considerable influence in annealing of Ni-Ti structures. The surface morphology, phase transformation temperature and microstructure of laser-annealed Ni-Ti structures were studied with scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy. Laser energy density of 1100 mJ cm–2 was used for annealing the samples as identified in the simulation. Surface annealing of Ni-Ti led to a uniform surface of the material with an increase in grain size and surface roughness. A decrease in the micro-hardness of the samples was obtained as a result of laser annealing. Thus, the investigations demonstrated the improved properties of laser additive–manufactured Ni-Ti structures by laser annealing.