Functionalism, Darwinism, and advances in the psychology of women and gender: From the 19th century to the 21st
Feminism & Psychology: An International Journal
Published online on September 08, 2016
Response to commentaries on "Functionalism, Darwinism, and the Psychology of Women: A Study in Social Myth" is organized around three themes and a question. The first theme is the importance of knowing the history of the study of women, gender, and sexuality. Second is the importance of what might be called "positive gatekeepers," those in our field who have some degree of power or who may be better positioned to support our endeavors or be in a position to open doors to professional advancement. Third is a core feature of feminist psychology: The importance of acknowledging the ways in which social values are inherent in the research process. Taken together, these themes raise for me an important question to reflect upon: Where do we, as feminist psychologists, wish to have influence?