The factor structure of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II among a South African student sample
South African Journal of Psychology
Published online on September 09, 2016
This study aimed to determine the factor structure of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II scale in a South African sample. The sample consisted of 211 students at a university. Students completed an online survey that included the 52-item Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II. Confirmatory factor analysis, items analysis, and exploratory factor analysis were used to determine the factor structure of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II and reduce the number of items. Confirmatory factor analysis did not confirm the original six-factor structure for the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II. The measure produced high internal consistency value (Cronbach’s alpha = .92) indicating over-redundancy of items. Item analysis was conducted in order to reduce the number of items. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis yielded a six-factor model for the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II in the current sample. The final 24-item measure demonstrated good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha = .87) and can be used as an alternative to the original measure within the current sample.