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An integrated evolutionary approach for simultaneous optimization of laser weld bead characteristics

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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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The selection of optimal welding parameters in any welding process significantly improves the quality, production rate, and cost of a component. The weld bead characteristics such as bead width, depth of penetration, and heat-affected zone are the prominent factors for evaluating the performance of a welded joint. The work presents a novel evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach to derive the optimal laser welding conditions for the weld bead geometrical parameters. The welding experiments were conducted with the consideration of pulse frequency, pulse width, welding speed, and pulse energy as the process-control variables to evaluate the weld bead characteristics. Empirical models for the bead characteristics were developed in terms of the input variables using response surface methodology. The individual and interactive effects of the variables on the responses were also analyzed. As the influence of control variables on the bead characteristics is conflicting in nature, the problem is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem to simultaneously optimize the output parameters. The aim is to simultaneously minimize the bead width, maximize the depth of penetration, and minimize the heat-affected zone. An efficient evolutionary algorithm called non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II was applied to derive the set of Pareto-optimal solutions. The derived optimal process responses were confirmed with the experimental values. The proposed integrated methodology can be applied to any welding process to automate the process conditions in computer-integrated manufacturing environment.