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Dancing to the tune of the employer? Union-management relationships at Nordic subsidiaries in Russia

Economic and Industrial Democracy: An International Journal

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This research concerns the labour–management relationship at Nordic-owned industrial enterprises in Russia. The analysis draws upon case study data from four unionized factories in the northwest region of Russia that represent different union–management (U-M) relationships representing varying degrees of confrontation and cooperation. Although the long-run dynamics of the U-M relationship at all the factories is heading for partnership (‘dancing’), short-term dynamics may contain periods of antagonism (‘boxing’). There is little indication of a Nordic-type ‘healthy combination’ of recurring dialogue between boxing and dancing at the factories. Moreover, the managements have set limitations in the action allowed and the scope for partnership, and there are discrepancies in the cultural and identity dimensions of ‘dancing’ at the factories. The findings support the hybridization approach to the IR model transfer of multinational companies as Nordic employers seek to escape standards that are in place in their home IR regimes.