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Self-correction method of out-of-plane motions in two-dimensional digital image correlation


Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

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Strain monitoring is very important in the manufacturing, assembling, installation and servicing processes in both mechanical and civil engineering fields. Two-dimensional digital image correlation is a simple, efficient strain monitoring method, but one major bottleneck is the unacceptable error due to the unavoidable out-of-plane motions of the object in practice. We propose a "self-correction" method: employing the originally extracted strain values in different directions to correct the errors due to out-of-plane motions. It is applicable to many engineering applications with known relationship of strains in different directions. A uniaxial tension test was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of this self-correction method. Compared with other correction methods, this method is not only simpler but also more efficient in correcting errors due to the lens distortion caused by self-heating. Both the experiment and theoretical analyses demonstrate that this self-correction method maintains the high accuracy of the digital image correlation method.