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Indirect Exposure to Captivity Details Is Not Related to Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among the Spouses and Offspring of Former Prisoners of War


Journal of Traumatic Stress

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Indirect exposure to the aversive details of the primary victim's traumatic event(s) has been introduced in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) as a new event criterion (Criterion A4). However, this new criterion has been criticized for its significant emphasis on the exposure to trauma “details” or trauma narrative. This study assessed the associations between reported exposure to details about captivity and posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) among 2 groups of family members of former prisoners of war (ex‐POWs): spouses (n = 115) and adult offspring (n = 78). Results show that in both groups exposure to details regarding captivity was not significantly related to the severity of total PTSS and specifically, high levels of exposure to captivity details were related to lower avoidance symptoms among ex‐POWs' spouses. Among offspring, exposure to paternal behaviors stemming from the fathers' posttraumatic stress disorder was related to PTSS, above and beyond negative life events, quality of relationship with the father, and exposure to captivity details (R2 = .34). These results suggest that behavioral displays of the fathers' posttraumatic symptoms, rather than the recounting of trauma‐related details, is related to PTSS among ex‐POWs' offspring. 標題: 間接經歷囚禁細節跟前戰犯的伴侶和子女的創傷後壓力症狀無關 撮要: 精神疾病診斷與統計手冊第五版(DSM‐5)新增了事件準則 (準則A4)༚間接經歷主要受害人的創傷事件中的厭惡性細節。可是, 這項準則因為顯著強調創傷「細節」的經歷或創傷敘述而受批評。本研究透過兩組前戰犯(ex‐ POWs)的家庭成員, 檢視經歷囚禁細節與創傷後壓力症狀(PTSS)的關連。兩組分別為 (一) 伴侶(n = 115) 和 (二) 成年子女(n = 78)。結果顯示, 兩組裡, 經歷有關囚禁的細節跟PTSS的總嚴重度並無顯著關連。ex‐ POWs的伴侶中, 高水平的囚禁細節經歷跟低水平的迴避症狀有關。子女中, 經歷有PTSD的父親的家長式行為跟PTSS有關, 其關連程度遠比負面生命事件、跟父親的關係質素及囚禁細節經歷還大(R2 = .34)。結果反映, 對ex‐ POWs的子女來說, PTSS跟父親因創傷後壓力症狀驅使的行為有關, 而非跟經歷創傷相關的細節敘述有關。 标题: 间接经历囚禁细节跟前战犯的伴侣和子女的创伤后压力症状无关 撮要: 精神疾病诊断与统计手册第五版(DSM‐5)新增了事件准则 (准则A4)༚间接经历主要受害人的创伤事件中的厌恶性细节。可是, 这项准则因为显著强调创伤「细节」的经历或创伤叙述而受批评。本研究透过两组前战犯(ex‐ POWs)的家庭成员, 检视经历囚禁细节与创伤后压力症状(PTSS)的关连。两组分别为 (一) 伴侣(n = 115) 和 (二) 成年子女(n = 78)。结果显示, 两组里, 经历有关囚禁的细节跟PTSS的总严重度并无显著关连。ex‐ POWs的伴侣中, 高水平的囚禁细节经历跟低水平的回避症状有关。子女中, 经历有PTSD的父亲的家长式行为跟PTSS有关, 其关连程度远比负面生命事件、跟父亲的关系质素及囚禁细节经历还大(R2 = .34)。结果反映, 对ex‐ POWs的子女来说, PTSS跟父亲因创伤后压力症状驱使的行为有关, 而非跟经历创伤相关的细节叙述有关。