Expression of Cav1.3 calcium channel in the human and mouse colon: post-transcriptional inhibition by IFN{gamma}.
AJP Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Published online on December 30, 2016
It has been hypothesized that apically expressed L-type Ca2+ channel Cav1.3 (encoded by CACNA1D gene) contributes towards an alternative TRPV6-independent route of intestinal epithelial Ca2+ absorption, especially during digestion when high luminal concentration of Ca2+ and other nutrients limit TRPV6 contribution. We and others have implicated altered expression and activity of key mediators of intestinal and renal Ca2+ (re)absorption as contributors to negative systemic Ca2+ balance and bone loss in intestinal inflammation. Here, we investigated the effects of experimental colitis and related inflammatory mediators on colonic Cav1.3 expression. We confirmed Cav1.3 expression within the segments of the mouse and human gastrointestinal tract. Consistent with available microarray data (GEO database) from IBD patients, mouse colonic expression of Cav1.3 was significantly reduced in TNBS colitis. In vitro, IFN most potently reduced Cav1.3 expression. We reproduced these findings in vivo with wild-type and Stat1-/- mice injected with IFN. The observed effect in Stat1-/- suggested a non-canonical transcriptional repression or a post-transcriptional mechanism. In support of the latter, we observed no effect on the cloned Cav1.3 gene promoter activity, and accelerated Cav1.3 mRNA decay rate in IFN-treated HCT116 cells. While the relative contribution of Cav1.3 to intestinal Ca2+ absorption and its value as a therapeutic target remain to be established, we postulate that Cav1.3 downregulation in IBD may contribute to the negative systemic Ca2+ balance, increased bone resorption, and to reduced bone mineral density in IBD patients.