The Longitudinal Effects of Study Abroad Programs on Teachers' Content Knowledge and Perspectives: Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad in Botswana and Southeast Asia
Journal of Studies in International Education
Published online on November 15, 2012
The goal of this study was to assess the longitudinal effectiveness and impact of study abroad programs on teachers’ content knowledge and professional perspectives. The study focused on a recent Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad to Botswana (summer 2011) and compares results with an earlier Fulbright-Hays program to Singapore and Malaysia (summer 1995). Data were obtained through multiple objective and open-ended instruments administered before departure and several months after participants returned to the United States. The results suggest significant trends and outcomes. Quite clearly, the knowledge base of the participants increased as a result of the project, though much of the factual material might have been obtained without leaving home. However, it was within the qualitative and affective domains that the most intriguing results occurred. Participants’ perspectives on their own personal and professional development, cultural awareness, teaching methodologies, and choice of curricular content indicated sustained positive growth throughout the program.