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Education & Educational Research journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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Review of Educational Research
impact factor: 4.229
Learning and Instruction
impact factor: 3.337
American Educational Research Journal
impact factor: 3.104
Journal of the Learning Sciences
impact factor: 3.036
Academy of Management Learning and Education
impact factor: 3.000
Educational Researcher
impact factor: 2.779
Computers & Education
impact factor: 2.775
Educational Research Review
impact factor: 2.586
Journal of Research in Science Teaching / Journal for Research in Science Teaching
impact factor: 2.552
Read Res Quart
impact factor: 2.382
Science Education
impact factor: 2.382
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
impact factor: 2.275
Review of Research in Education
impact factor: 2.111
Advances in Health Sciences Education
impact factor: 2.061
The Internet and Higher Education
impact factor: 2.013
Journal of Engineering Education
impact factor: 1.925
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
impact factor: 1.717
Sociology of Education
impact factor: 1.697
British Educational Research Journal
impact factor: 1.660
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
impact factor: 1.632
Journal of Teacher Education: The Journal of Policy, Practice, and Research in Teacher Education
impact factor: 1.627
Health Education Research
impact factor: 1.615
Instructional Science
impact factor: 1.568
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
impact factor: 1.552
Physical Review Special Topics - Physics Education Research
impact factor: 1.529
Metacognition and Learning
impact factor: 1.516
Journal of School Health / The Journal of School Health
impact factor: 1.495
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
impact factor: 1.489
AIDS Education and Prevention
impact factor: 1.484
Scientific Studies of Reading
impact factor: 1.422
BMC Medical Education
impact factor: 1.409
Lang Learn Technol
impact factor: 1.379
Australas J Educ Tec
impact factor: 1.363
Rev High Educ
impact factor: 1.351
International Journal of Science Education
impact factor: 1.340
Language Learning / Language and Learning
impact factor: 1.318
British Journal of Educational Technology
impact factor: 1.313
Studies in Science Education
impact factor: 1.308
Interactive Learning Environments
impact factor: 1.302
Teaching and Teacher Education / Teaching and Teacher Education An International Journal of Research and Studies
impact factor: 1.264
Journal of American College Health
impact factor: 1.250
Journal of Education Policy
impact factor: 1.217
Educational Administration Quarterly: The Journal of Leadership for Effective & Equitable Organizations
impact factor: 1.213
The Elementary School Journal / Elementary School Journal The
impact factor: 1.203
Sport Education and Society
impact factor: 1.172
Educ Technol Soc
impact factor: 1.171
Language Teaching
impact factor: 1.167
Reading and Writing / Reading & Writing An Interdisciplinary Journal
impact factor: 1.163
Educational Technology Research and Development
impact factor: 1.155
Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling
impact factor: 1.152
Comparative Education Review
impact factor: 1.132
impact factor: 1.118
Research in Science Education
impact factor: 1.104
Early Education and Development
impact factor: 1.100
The Journal of Higher Education
impact factor: 1.089
Chemistry Education Research and Practice / chemistry education research and practice in europe
impact factor: 1.075
Education Finance and Policy
impact factor: 1.070
Studies in Higher Education
impact factor: 1.036
Thinking Skills and Creativity
impact factor: 1.033
Computer Assisted Language Learning
impact factor: 1.020
International Journal of Educational Development
impact factor: 1.000
Economics of Education Review
impact factor: 0.981
Mind Brain and Education
impact factor: 0.980
British Journal of Sociology of Education
impact factor: 0.976
British Journal of Music Education
impact factor: 0.944
Journal of Research in Reading
impact factor: 0.940
Journal of Science Education and Technology
impact factor: 0.940
Higher Education
impact factor: 0.937
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics
impact factor: 0.935
Research in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.935
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
impact factor: 0.933
Health Education Journal
impact factor: 0.929
The Journal of Environmental Education
impact factor: 0.923
Journal of Education for Teaching International Research and Pedagogy
impact factor: 0.922
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.918
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education / Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.912
The Journal of Educational Research
impact factor: 0.911
Educational Research
impact factor: 0.907
Teachers College Record
impact factor: 0.896
Foreign Language Annals
impact factor: 0.892
impact factor: 0.884
Environmental Education Research
impact factor: 0.883
Critical Studies in Education
impact factor: 0.868
Academic Psychiatry
impact factor: 0.859
History of Education
impact factor: 0.857
Language Teaching Research
impact factor: 0.851
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.824
The Journal of Experimental Education
impact factor: 0.822
School Effectiveness and School Improvement
impact factor: 0.800
TESOL Quarterly
impact factor: 0.792
J Teach Phys Educ
impact factor: 0.776
European Physical Education Review
impact factor: 0.769
European Journal of Teacher Education
impact factor: 0.769
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy
impact factor: 0.769
Educational Studies in Mathematics
impact factor: 0.765
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
impact factor: 0.758
ELT Journal
impact factor: 0.743
Res Teach Engl
impact factor: 0.714
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
impact factor: 0.712
American Journal of Education
impact factor: 0.711
Science & Education
impact factor: 0.707
impact factor: 0.692
Second Language Research
impact factor: 0.690
Innovations in Education and Teaching International
impact factor: 0.676
Technology Pedagogy and Education
impact factor: 0.667
impact factor: 0.661
Higher Education Research & Development
impact factor: 0.648
Research Papers in Education
impact factor: 0.646
Learning Media & Technology
impact factor: 0.644
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy
impact factor: 0.627
Comparative Education
impact factor: 0.625
Journal of Studies in International Education
impact factor: 0.611
Int Rev Res Open Dis
impact factor: 0.602
Applied Measurement in Education
impact factor: 0.579
Educational Review
impact factor: 0.579
British Journal of Educational Studies
impact factor: 0.578
J Coll Student Dev
impact factor: 0.557
Paedagogica Historica
impact factor: 0.554
Language and Education
impact factor: 0.550
Journal of Social Work Education
impact factor: 0.548
Teaching in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.545
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.538
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
impact factor: 0.537
Journal of Moral Education
impact factor: 0.532
Race Ethnicity and Education
impact factor: 0.531
Teaching of Psychology
impact factor: 0.525
British Journal of Religious Education
impact factor: 0.512
European Journal of Education
impact factor: 0.507
Studies in Philosophy and Education
impact factor: 0.506
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
impact factor: 0.500
Asia Pacific Education Review
impact factor: 0.500
Journal of Curriculum Studies
impact factor: 0.500
Research in Science & Technological Education
impact factor: 0.500
Vocations and Learning
impact factor: 0.500
Gender and Education
impact factor: 0.495
Educational Studies
impact factor: 0.490
Mind Culture and Activity
impact factor: 0.486
impact factor: 0.481
Distance Education
impact factor: 0.478
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
impact factor: 0.460
Compare A Journal of Comparative and International Education
impact factor: 0.458
Egit Arast
impact factor: 0.455
Journal of Philosophy of Education
impact factor: 0.446
Oxford Review of Education
impact factor: 0.446
J Balt Sci Educ
impact factor: 0.444
Discourse Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education
impact factor: 0.443
Educational Philosophy and Theory
impact factor: 0.434
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
impact factor: 0.434
Reading and Writing Quarterly
impact factor: 0.433
Egit Bilim
impact factor: 0.429
Journal of Computing in Higher Education
impact factor: 0.409
Theory Into Practice
impact factor: 0.408
Irish Educational Studies
impact factor: 0.405
Music Education Research
impact factor: 0.404
Education as Change
impact factor: 0.403
Educational Management Administration & Leadership: Formerly Educational Management & Administration
impact factor: 0.398
Asia Pacific Journal of Education
impact factor: 0.397
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
impact factor: 0.397
Journal of Literacy Research
impact factor: 0.393
Anthropology & Education Quarterly
impact factor: 0.386
South African Journal of Education
impact factor: 0.381
Mathematical Thinking and Learning
impact factor: 0.379
Education and Urban Society
impact factor: 0.373
Urban Education
impact factor: 0.372
Journal of Educational Computing Research
impact factor: 0.372
Educational Policy: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Policy and Practice
impact factor: 0.365
International Journal of Inclusive Education
impact factor: 0.363
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education / Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
impact factor: 0.362
Language Policy
impact factor: 0.357
The Reading Teacher
impact factor: 0.355
Rev Esp Pedagog
impact factor: 0.353
Australian Journal of Education
impact factor: 0.351
impact factor: 0.350
Hacet U Egitim Fak
impact factor: 0.350
Educational Gerontology
impact factor: 0.349
J Legal Educ
impact factor: 0.340
Curriculum Inquiry
impact factor: 0.328
Aust J Early Child
impact factor: 0.317
Educational Sciences Theory & Practice
impact factor: 0.316
Rev Educ
impact factor: 0.309
Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory
impact factor: 0.308
Cambridge Journal of Education
impact factor: 0.306
Studies in Continuing Education
impact factor: 0.297
Literacy / Reading Literacy and Language
impact factor: 0.294
Journal of Language Identity & Education
impact factor: 0.286
Porta Linguarum
impact factor: 0.280
Z Soziol Erzieh Sozi
impact factor: 0.273
Z Padagogik
impact factor: 0.260
Pedagog Stud
impact factor: 0.244
Ensen Cienc
impact factor: 0.238
Kedi J Educ Policy
impact factor: 0.235
The Journal of Economic Education
impact factor: 0.227
Cultura y Educación
impact factor: 0.224
Phi Delta Kappan
impact factor: 0.219
Engl Teach Pract Cri
impact factor: 0.213
Language Culture and Curriculum
impact factor: 0.206
Educ Leadership
impact factor: 0.192
Higher Education Policy
impact factor: 0.185
Movimento Porto Aleg
impact factor: 0.174
Journal of Beliefs and Values
impact factor: 0.167
International Journal of Art & Design Education
impact factor: 0.156
New Educ Rev
impact factor: 0.149
Educational Assessment Evaluation and Accountability
impact factor: 0.147
Ese Estud Sobre Educ
impact factor: 0.133
Croat J Educ
impact factor: 0.125
Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa
impact factor: 0.125
Research in Drama Education The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance
impact factor: 0.120
Engl Aust
impact factor: 0.119
English in Education
impact factor: 0.118
Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education / Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education
impact factor: 0.113
Curric Matters
impact factor: 0.111
Odgojne Znan
impact factor: 0.103
The Australian Educational Researcher
impact factor: 0.102
impact factor: 0.043
Russian Education & Society / russian education and society
impact factor: 0.029
Educación XX1
impact factor: 0.023