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Ethnic Studies journals

Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the JCI 2012.

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  1. Asian American Journal of Psychology impact factor: 1.750
  2. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology impact factor: 1.603
  3. Ethnicity and Health impact factor: 1.203
  4. Du Bois Review Social Science Research on Race impact factor: 1.174
  5. Ethnic and Racial Studies impact factor: 1.169
  6. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies impact factor: 1.085
  7. Nations and Nationalism impact factor: 0.566
  8. Race Ethnicity and Education impact factor: 0.531
  9. Ethnicities impact factor: 0.444
  10. Journal of Refugee Studies impact factor: 0.383
  11. Race & Class impact factor: 0.367
  12. Journal of Black Studies impact factor: 0.263
  13. Identities impact factor: 0.239
  14. Patterns of Prejudice impact factor: 0.186
  15. Souls impact factor: 0.086
  16. The Black Scholar impact factor: 0.051