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Developmental Psychology journals
Ranked by 1-year Impact Factor from the
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J Am Acad Child Psy
impact factor: 6.970
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
impact factor: 5.422
Development and Psychopathology
impact factor: 4.926
Child Development
impact factor: 4.915
Autism Research
impact factor: 3.988
Kindheit und Entwicklung
impact factor: 3.983
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
impact factor: 3.723
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
impact factor: 3.699
Developmental Science
impact factor: 3.628
Developmental Review
impact factor: 3.452
Psychology and Aging
impact factor: 3.089
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology / Journal of Abnormal Child Psychiatry
impact factor: 3.005
Developmental Psychology / Developmental Psychology Monograph
impact factor: 2.976
Journal of Adolescent Health
impact factor: 2.966
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
impact factor: 2.907
Developmental Neuropsychology
impact factor: 2.899
Journal of Research on Adolescence
impact factor: 2.702
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
impact factor: 2.695
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology
impact factor: 2.665
Journal of Pediatric Psychology
impact factor: 2.647
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
impact factor: 2.377
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
impact factor: 2.275
Journal of Attention Disorders: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Science
impact factor: 2.163
Child Development Perspectives
impact factor: 2.120
Social Development
impact factor: 2.045
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
impact factor: 2.037
impact factor: 1.969
Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice
impact factor: 1.961
Journal of Adolescence
impact factor: 1.882
Child Psychiatry & Human Development
impact factor: 1.854
Infant Behavior and Development / Infant Behaviour and Development
impact factor: 1.752
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
impact factor: 1.750
Merrill Palmer Quart
impact factor: 1.737
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
impact factor: 1.733
Child Care Health and Development
impact factor: 1.700
The Journal of Early Adolescence
impact factor: 1.686
Parenting / Parenting Science and Practice
impact factor: 1.686
International Journal of Behavioral Development
impact factor: 1.591
Sex Roles / Sex Roles A Journal of Research
impact factor: 1.531
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
impact factor: 1.524
Attachment & Human Development
impact factor: 1.483
Cognitive Development
impact factor: 1.446
Journal of Child Language
impact factor: 1.440
Journal of Child and Family Studies
impact factor: 1.422
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
impact factor: 1.330
Human Development
impact factor: 1.250
Child & Youth Care Forum
impact factor: 1.115
Early Education and Development
impact factor: 1.100
Journal of Cognition and Development
impact factor: 1.096
Research in Human Development
impact factor: 1.067
Infant Mental Health Journal
impact factor: 0.988
Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition
impact factor: 0.987
Journal of Adolescent Research
impact factor: 0.983
Mind Brain and Education
impact factor: 0.980
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
impact factor: 0.962
European Journal of Developmental Psychology
impact factor: 0.885
Infant and Child Development
impact factor: 0.867
Infants & Young Children
impact factor: 0.857
The Journal of Genetic Psychology
impact factor: 0.833
Applied Developmental Science
impact factor: 0.727
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development
impact factor: 0.725
Infancia y Aprendizaje
impact factor: 0.603
Adv Child Dev Behav
impact factor: 0.595
Journal of Adult Development
impact factor: 0.522
Prax Kinderpsychol K
impact factor: 0.477