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Voter experience and ballot language framing effects: Evidence from a survey experiment

Social Science Quarterly

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["Social Science Quarterly, EarlyView. ", "\nAbstract\n\nObjective\nDiscover the extent to which habitual voting may alter the effects of framing in the language of ballot measures.\n\n\nMethods\nOnline survey was conducted using Amazon Mechanical Turk crowd labor service. Participants were presented with two ballot questions with two separate sets of language, randomized so that each participant had an equal chance of seeing either version. Logistic regression was used to analyze responses.\n\n\nResults\nSupport for one measure was drastically reduced with the change in question framing; for the other, the results were inconclusive. None of the models exhibited any evidence that habitual voting mitigated framing effects.\n\n\nConclusion\nExperienced voters are no more immune to framing effects than inexperienced voters.\n\n"]