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Information literacy: A cornerstone for open distance learning at the University of South Africa

Journal of Librarianship and Information Science

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Librarians in open distance learning institutions are actively encouraged to develop and implement information literacy programmes for students and academics. This has become a necessity in an open distance learning environment because students and academics function in an information environment that is rapidly developing and becoming increasingly complex. Information literacy is described as a skill that is central to learning. Furthermore, rapid development in technology and the proliferation of information has also led to the transformation of teaching methods at open distance learning institutions. As we embrace methods such as e-learning or blended learning, information literacy training still remains an important factor in producing successful programmes. This paper provides an overview of information literacy training carried out by a group of personal librarians at the University of South Africa library. Information literacy training practice and challenges were identified from the literature as well as a web-based survey. Suggestions on how to tackle these challenges are also offered. This brief study suggests that librarians in open distance learning institutions need to adapt their information literacy training practice to suit their clients’ needs in a progressive open distance learning environment.